Hatem Sandoka
“But if there is a state where the soul can find a resting-place secure enough to establish itself and concentrate its entire being there, with no need to remember the past or reach into the future, where time is nothing to it, where the present runs on indefinitely but this duration goes unnoticed, with no sign of the passing of time, and no other feeling of deprivation or enjoyment, pleasure or pain, desire or fear than the simple feeling of existence, a feeling that fills our soul entirely, as long as this state lasts, we can call ourselves happy, not with a poor, incomplete and relative happiness such as we find in the pleasures of life, but with a sufficient, complete and perfect happiness which leaves no emptiness to be filled in the soul. (Rousseau 1979: 88 – 89)
There is not much beauty, than the creation of human with a clean mind. I feel happy when I believe in what I want. For that no one has the right to occupy or take possession of my mind. If I ever thought of the law of nationality, or any amendment, where does the freedom of movement exist in the Palestinians territories? Where is the pleasure of life? My mind compels were I want to spend my life time!! Life in Palestine is getting worse, every minute passes which I’m still living as a captive to light signs, and concrete walls, and disconnections between regions. The best concrete example would be Palestinians villages, these villagers live with emptiness in the soul, and they want to understand what is happening around them. What can the answer be?
Today imprisonment in Palestine is no longer “physically confined”. Israel method is by which to work on a person’s mind as well as his body. The regime that Israel applies creates the conception of mental imprisonment in Palestinian lives.
On my way to Abu Dies, I realize that there are few areas, one is forbidden to enter, like the A’saweya we all know it is an Israeli area, and the only way to enter, is to get a permit, but are there signs that say no entrance for West Bank, the holder of the Palestinian id. No there is not. Mental imprisonment not only affected villagers, it also affected me. For any state, or the Israeli character they can’t but a sign, saying Israeli only, Israel is a country that takes cares of its reputation.
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